The Dichotomy of White Privilege and Anti-Blackness in Latinx Communities

The dichotomy of white privilege during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Guest: Sahayla  Moore


☐ Trump and his cabinet seem to never wear masks or adhere to social distancing and health guidelines suggested by the CDC

• This lack of concern they display might have promoted a misguiding rhetoric that only certain people in lower class groups are being targeted by the virus. 

• There’s also the xenophobic rheotoric where news outlets are trying to shift blame back to China.

◦ Is it red-herring  from the argument to restructure the U.S. on a social, political, and financial scale.

◦ The narrative that China is to blame for all of the U.S.’s problems has been played out.

☐ Race and health inequality : Why was the coronavirus so deadly?

• It came into communities riddled with inequities, albeit health, social, economical, etc. 

• The comorbidities of these communities intensified the influx of cases and deaths in these communities

☐ Cost of living is higher in the inner city and the wages aren’t as 

☐ Protests against lockdowns are modern permutations of an identity crisis with its tendrils deep in America’s individualist history

☐ A common trend of protestors

☐ are anti-semitic signs and swastikas

☐ neo-nazis

☐ armed and visually threatening

☐ anti-vaxxer conspiracists.

Topic: Black-White dichotomy and multiracial identity during the COVID-19 pandemic

The fallacy of white people using language like "oppressed", "discriminated"

• The lower classes & POC are needing to be hypervigilent in these cases.

• 30% of  COVID-19 cases are African American

CDC yet only 13% of the population of the united states

is A. A.

The Black-White Gap of income 1978 is the same as the current yup we see during this COVID-19 pandemic

• Median of income for African American:$ 0.59 to the dollar

• Median of income for

Is there a more important conversation to be had about mental health? Are these people projecting their frustrations due to their anxiety, stress, or possibly, PTSD?

How do we combat discrimination towards these communities and towards POC?

---Works cited

Coleman, Adrienne, "Examining the Racial Implications of COVID-19 through Courageous Conversations" (2020). Publications & Research. 51.

Keefe, Thomas E. “No Child Left Behind: The COVID-19 Edition.”, ResearchGate, May 2020,

Klein, Erza. “Why the Coronavirus Is so Deadly for Black America.” The Erza Klein Show, episode Why the Coronavirus is so deadly for black America , VOX, 10 May 2020,


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